Karamoja 2024 Mission

Testimony 1:

We were walking around in a village sharing the gospel with many different people. We noticed a young lady who did not look very happy and began to talk to her. She started to open up and share with us about how she was very depressed and no longer wanted to live. She had actually found a rope and was making plans to end her life because of how hopeless she was feeling about her circumstances. We began to share with her about how God has a plan for her life and how the gospel gives us hope. Jesus died so that we could have eternal life. After talking for a long time, we began to pray for her. Then she made the decision to give her life to Jesus. Her whole countenance changed and now she has a reason to live!

Testimony 2:

During our door to door evangelism, we met a family and went into their home. We began to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus. We explained how Jesus redeemed man from sin and restored man to have relationship with God. The whole family decided to give their lives to Christ! We then found out that the mother of the family actually practiced witchcraft for many years. She was so excited to experience the power and love of Christ and begin a personal relationship with Him. She decided to burn all of her witchcraft items and materials because she is now a child of God!

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