In Uganda, I Found LOVE

“Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” - Psalm 37:4

In June of 2023, God spoke to my heart that He was sending me to Uganda. I remember saying to myself, “I am not thinking about Africa nor have I ever thought about Africa”. Yet that word God spoke to me shook the very core of my being. I began praying and asking God questions. “God, did I hear your sweet still voice today? God, are you sending me? God are you sure it’s me? Maybe it’s someone else more qualified than me.” As I said these prayers He confirmed His call to me immediately. Then God opened every door that needed to be opened for me to come to Uganda. He connected me to Divine Care Ministries even though I had never heard of them before. On August 9th, 2024 when my feet finally hit African soil, it seems that He immediately began to show me his agape love. I felt His love as I was greeted at the airport by two of the kindest gentleman who began to take care of me. As I arrived at the home of Peter and Phoebe, I was again greeted with a lot of love. As I journeyed through my first week of meeting the precious people of Uganda through Divine Care Ministries, I felt so much love. I am truly in awe of God’s great love. It shines through each and every person here in Uganda. As I visited the schools of Divine Hope and Divine Grace I have not only seen His love but I have seen His miracles! I am truly honored that God would allow me to be a small part of His great work here in Uganda. From the smallest child to the oldest adult, you will find yourself being wrapped up in prayers and in His agape love! Psalm 37:4. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. In Uganda, I found Love.

-Kaye Watson (First Time Visitor)

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