An Update From Karamoja
A few weeks ago, a team of fifteen missionaries from Divine Care Ministries, joined by twelve local leaders, interpreters, and students from DCM, set out on a 10+ hour bumpy journey to share the gift of LIFE with our friends in the remote region of Karamoja. Since 2010, our staff has reached out to the Karamajong tribe in the northern part of Uganda where the gospel has seldom been heard and never successfully established. Thousands have responded to God's call over the years, and under the guidance of Divine Care staff members, leaders are being trained in these remote regions. It was sooo powerful God granted us more than we expected.
We sent off 15 missionaries from the 25th of February to the 8th of March.
Karamoja is far so when you plan to go there, you better plan for many days in order to accomplish much.
Meeting with our partners or leaders in evangelism for encouragement. Philippians 1:1--was our scripture shared with them like in the days of Paul.
Evangelism to the old places where we have church plants.
Reaching out to the unreached communities and opening up more churches. Three more new church plants were opened as a result.
Checking on our children after almost a year of COVID. We did and belated Christmas gifts were given which was sooo very much appreciated and brought about Joy!
Meet with local authorities to share our ideas and give reports about our achievements in Karamoja as development partners.
We had also gone to check on the progress and also challenges which I will also be sharing with you.
We praise God for blessing us with staff vehicles and we bless our partners who support us in all these responsibilities.
God's people have experienced the fruits of salvation and revival.
This mission was unique and God our Master was leading us.
We were joined by 12 leaders and among them were interpreters. And among these are our students as part of the fruits. So the team added up to 27. We would divide into two groups every morning, head out in different directions, and then come back in the evening and meet at the center where we were sleeping. Our best story and success is about how many heard the gospel and how many humbled themselves to accept Christ as their personal SAVIOR!
During our time ministering in Karamoja, 5,160 people were reached out to and 1,023 people received Christ!
We glorified God for such great achievements. People are hungry and very thirsty for Christ.
Our team members praying for those who surrendered their lives to Christ.
This is one of the transformed places in Karamoja where we have our early childhood center. Christianity and education are taking root. We are so thankful to God.
1- DCM has been consistent in Karamoja and that has cemented their trust and love for us.
2- TRANSFORMATION is very EVIDENT to places where we have planted churches.
3- People of Karamoja are so thirsty and hungry for Christ which keeps us encouraged and hopeful.
4- Leaders have found trusted partners. They feel our love...which helps us to speak heart to heart and introduce the gospel.
5- People of Karamoja are willing to give us some land for a mission house and other transformational projects to disciple communities.
6- Most of the children we sponsor there have stayed in school apart from a few... even though Karamoja’s school drop out is the highest in the country. This reduces the early marriages and increase the rate of literacy. May the good Lord bless you all for all the support that make this possible.
There is a great need for increasing leadership training. Fortunately, some of our staff members, Pastor Henry and Pastor Silver are willing to live among them and do discipleship.
There is an insurgency. They rob each other and kill each other. They had stopped this habit 10 years ago but some of them are repeating it.
The only common means of transportation is walking. So leaders are finding it difficult. They are requesting bicycles and motorcycles for church plant leaders.
They are crying out for church structures, health centers, and schools.
Leaders on a mission to spread the Gospel.
After 40 years of violence and drought, this area suffered from a lack of hope and lack of development. The people were previously animists but are now coming to faith in Jesus Christ. So many are responding to God’s call that we need transportation for pastors and disciple-makers. There are few roads and travel in this area is slow and arduous. We are raising money for bicycles ($100) and motorcycles ($1,500). The motorcycles are made in India and have been proven to withstand the rough conditions in Uganda. If you’d like to give to this campaign, you can give online here or by mailing a check to DCM 4705 Lascassas Pike, Lascassas, TN 37085. Please write “Bike Fund” in the memo.
We can’t thank you enough for your prayers and support! Together, we make a difference!
Phoebe Sozi, Director of Divine Care Ministries