The Difference 4 Wheels Can Make

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Imagine driving on nothing but dirt roads and dodging potholes for hours on end. As you might imagine the roads in Uganda can be pretty stressful on cars, especially those that drive outside of the city. With only 4% of Uganda’s roadways being paved, most roads get quite rough during the rainy seasons. The cars that most people purchase are always used and are imported from Japan. Being a land-locked country, the import costs are extremely high. The cost is also high because a value-added tax is added. This is one of the main ways Uganda raises revenues.

Divine Care Ministries is an organization of “field people.” We are constantly on the go, traveling to our various locations to provide leadership and support for our staff and for the communities we serve. In particular, Pastor Henry and Pastor Silver are nomads in that they move from location to location and out into the communities on a weekly basis which puts a lot of mileage and wear and tear on their vehicles. Divine Grace is 4 hours from our headquarters located near Kampala.

Depending on where you’re going, Karamoja is 10 to 12 hours away across some very rough highways. During 2020 when schools were shut down, we used the vehicles to go out into the communities to check on our families and continue our mission of teaching and evangelizing.

Thanks to your generous donations, a new (used) vehicle was able to be purchased for the use of our staff at Divine Grace Primary School!

This vehicle is critical to the ongoing success of the ministry. The current vehicles are in dire need of repair and in some cases not worth repairing so the vehicle recently purchased will allow the nomadic work of our DCM leadership team to continue. The van (pictured above) will be headquartered at Divine Grace to be used by any staff member in need of transportation.