A Dream Fulfilled- My Journey to Uganda
What was it?
Was it the children’s smiling faces
or the clay beneath my feet?
Was it the humble joy-filled gratitude
or the people that I greet?
Was it the daily adoration of the One who flung the stars
or the beauty of a partnership that flows from near to far?
Was it the sights, the sounds, the spectacles of neccesary ingenuity
or the people, places, processes, that make up a community?
Was it the bumpy roads, the traffic jams, and hours in the car
or was it the love, the joy, held deep within, of finally coming this far?
For years I’ve longed, for years I’ve prayed
For years I’ve wondered if I’d ever see this day
But you, Oh Lord, my strength, my shield,
You’ve promised that you’d never leave and your words would be fulfilled!
About a month ago, Dr. Rick and I returned from visiting our teams in Uganda. This trip was over a decade-long desire fulfilled for me, Joanna. I’ve struggled to write this post as there is just so much to share from our trip and I think I’ve wanted this post to be perfect so I kept putting this off. But, as I was listening to 1st and 2nd John this morning, I finally had an “aha” moment and felt compelled to complete this post. (Finally, lol). 1 John 3 says,
16 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? 18 Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
This passage immediately made me think of Peter & Phoebe Sozi and all of the staff of Divine Care Ministries. Loving, with the Truth, and through tangible physical needs being met is at the very heart of this ministry and I got to see that firsthand during my visit. If there was ever any doubt in anyone’s mind that any of your donations might not be felt, or used properly, I can assure you they are 100% put to GREAT use and miraculously, often multiplied. I encourage you, if you ever have the chance to, go visit our teams in Uganda. You will be blown away, I promise.
Joanna with students at Divine Grace after learning and playing new Ugandan games with them during recess.
The sheer amount of multi-level development projects happening is incredible. This ministry is so much more than just helping thousands of vulnerable children- although that’s VERY much a critical aspect. But, it’s also, women’s empowerment groups, church planting, leadership development, skills training for teenage mothers, becoming a forever family to whoever is in need of one, providing clean water to communities in need, being a light and refuge in multiple communities and so much more.
Additionally, I was amazed at the high-quality character of each of our 93+ staff members and their dedication to magnifying the name of our Lord in all that they do. Did you know that our staff members have daily team devotion and prayer time? Their dependency on Christ to fill them and overflow as they pour out into the lives of so many who are hurting, lonely, broken, and hungry, amazes me. I love the respect and honor they show to one another and how quick they are to pitch in and serve each other as “team players.”
As stated earlier, for the last 10+ years, I have been trying to go to East Africa. “Weird” circumstances caused THREE trips to be canceled during those 10 years. I finally made it to East Africa and recently returned from what I hope to be many more trips to the beautiful nation of Uganda. It turns out, God’s plans are always better than mine. ;) From poverty alleviation, community development, spreading the fame of Jesus, and working with vulnerable children, let’s just say the opportunity to work in my role as the Sponsorship Coordinator for DCM couldn’t be more of a gift from God! He truly knows us better than we know ourselves and always has our best in mind! I hope my story of God’s perfect timing and higher ways (Is. 55:8-9) encourages you to trust Him and lean into His peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7-9).
-Joanna Vazquez
Sponsorship Coordinator
E: joanna@divinecareministries.com